Renewable DME in the LPG Industry, UN approval of 12% DME/LPG drop-in blend
A very important milestone in the journey of bringing renewable DME (rDME) in the LPG industry, was achieved in the June/July meeting of the UN Sub-Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods in Geneva. The approval of the WLGA request, for the UN numbers UN 1075 and UN 1965 to be able to “contain not more than 12 % by mass of dimethyl ether” was obtained ie there was approval for the proposed DME/LPG drop-in blend.
This is a huge step forward for our industry towards allowing the inclusion of rDME/DME in blends with rLPG/LPG. Furthermore, this is a big recognition of the efforts, of the research and of the testing work that WLGA has been carrying out with its members during the last years, funded by the WLGA Renewable Liquid Gas Steering Committee.
More than 100 individual member experts, organised in various workstreams, worked on materials compatibility, storage, operations, transport, appliances and equipment issues, to arrive to the definition on
safety grounds, of the maximum allowable DME/LPG ratio, and the “not more than 12 % by mass of dimethyl ether” as approved, safe drop-in LPG blend.
With a big achievement now in the pocket, the work of WLGA and its contributing members will continue further, towards the next targets and deliverables.
Next milestone in the journey, is the September 2024 RID/ADR Joint Meeting in Geneva, where the approval of the new definition of “LPG”, allowing similarly up to 12% by mass of dimethyl ether, has been requested.
For more information or for stakeholders that wish to be involved in this work, please contact Nikos Xydas