About WLGA
about WLGA
The World Liquid Gas
The WLGA promotes the use of Liquid Gas to foster a safer, cleaner, healthier and more prosperous world. WLGA is the authoritative voice of the global Liquid Gas industry and represents the full Liquid Gas value chain. The WLGA brings together over 300 private and public companies operating in more than 125 countries involved in one, several or all activities of the industry; develops long-term partnerships with international organisations; and implements projects on local and global scales. The Association was established in 1987 and granted Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council in 1989.
The WLGA works to a Three Year Strategic Review which outlines WLGA activities over a three year period and ensures maximum value for the WLGA membership. The current Strategic Review covers 2023-2025 under the theme ‘Solutions for Sustainable Energy Transitions’.
Our Mission
The WLGA mission statement forms the four principal goals of the WLGA in this period, namely: Advocacy (ADV); Safety and Business Improvement (SBI); Sustainable Growth & Innovation (SGI); and Communications & Awareness (COM).
To advocate Liquid Gas as part of the solution to future energy challenges
To support efficient and responsible business
To encourage innovation and support business growth
To effectively communicate and raise awareness
Our working groups
WLGA has a number Working Groups to support key activities. See the Working Groups.
WLGA is the only global body representing the LPG industry worldwide. We thank all our members for their continued support and team spirit that we all work together to foster.
Don’t just take our word for it though, hear from some of our members around the world …
Value Member Proposition
WLPGA is your association. The WLPGA unites the global LPG industry, promotes the safe development of global markets, informs and educates.
Hear more on the benefits of becoming a WLGA member and launching LPG to new heights.
Since 1989, the WLGA has had official Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UN ECOSOC).
It has also developed long standing partnerships with other international bodies such as various departments of the UN, the World Health Organization (WHO), Regional Development Banks and a number of well-respected international NGOs such as the Partnership on Clean Indoor Air (PCIA) and E+Co. The geographical spread and diversity of the WLGA’s membership makes the association a representative, trusted and logical partner in international discussions.