WLPGA New Member – Dimeta
The WLPGA is delighted to welcome a new member: Dimeta
Dimeta is an organisation fo...
The Turkish LPG Association Celebrates its 50th Anniversary
The Turkish LPG Association celebrated its 50th Anniversary in March 2022. The history of the associ...
Autogas Popularity on the Rise in The Netherlands
WLPGA member, Westport Fuel Systems was recently interviewed by the Hart van Nederland regarding the...
Simply Safety
WLPGA is committed to putting the safety message front and centre of our communications. This ye...
7th June is LPG Day
Are you ready?
Each year, on 7th June, our industry unites to celebrate LPG Day. It is our annual...
Panama Canal Authority (ACP) publishes a proposal to modify the canal tolls system
ACP has just published a Proposal to Modify the Panama Canal Tolls System and the Regulations fo...
The Voice of Tiago Oliveira, General Manager, Amtrol-Alfa | Worthington Industries
The Voice spoke with Mr Tiago Oliveira, General Manager, Amtrol-Alfa | Worthington Industries to hea...
WLPGA Member Suburban Propane Launches Renewable Energy Subsidiary and Acquires Stake in Independence Hydrogen
As part of its commitment to fostering innovative solutions to support a sustainable energy future,...
Coffee with Cavagna: a Vision of 2022 – Start with a Coffee?
As we reflect on 2021 and commence 2022, it is important to take a step back and see the lessons w...
Establishment of Cavagna Group South Africa
Press release
Establishment of Cavagna Group South Africa
Brescia, 12th of January...
The Voice of Ms Ewa Abramiuk-Lete, General Manager, Liquid Gas Europe
The Voice spoke with Ms Ewa Abramiuk-Lete, General Manager, Liquid Gas Europe to hear her thoughts a...
WLPGA New Member – Oberon Fuels
The WLPGA is delighted to welcome a new member: Oberon Fuels
Based in Southern Californ...
WLPGA New Member – Cargas
The WLPGA is delighted to welcome a new member: Cargas
Cargas is an employee-owned soft...
WLPGA New Member – Vitol
The WLPGA is delighted to welcome a new member: Vitol
Vitol has been a participant in g...
WLPGA Industry Council Member Aygaz Celebrates Sixtieth Anniversary
Gökhan Tezel: We Aspire to be a Brand Shaping the Future
Aygaz is a clean energy company that h...
Announcing the Launch of Copa Energia
Press release
Copa Energia is born after the acquisition of Liquigás by Copagaz
UGI Announces Partnership to Distribute Renewable LPG
WLPGA Industry Council Member UGI has announced that its subsidiary AmeriGas, the largest retail pro...
Autogas: „Underestimated hope of the traffic turnaround“ – Energy supplier Rheingas and fuel system supplier Prins are calling for LPG back on the political scene
21 September 2021
Two major players in the German liquid gas market share their views on the ener...
The Polish LPG Association Celebrate their 25th Anniversary
On November 18th, POGP held their 25th Anniversary Gala. Over 100 attendees representing the Polis...
WLPGA New Member – Euthalia
The WLPGA is delighted to welcome a new member: Euthalia
Euthalia, is an Italian company based ne...
LPG Week Post-event Communique December 2021
LPG Week Post-event Communique
December 2021
Energising Tomorrow
LPG Week was a hugely su...
WLPGA New Member – Chemet
The WLPGA is delighted to welcome a new member: Chemet
'Since the takeover of the French Co...
LPG Week 2021/Dubai – COVID-19 Update
Dear LPG Week participant,
We are just days away from the highly anticipated LPG Week in Dubai....
All Pumped Up on LPG – Panos Mitrou, Global Gas Segment Manager, Lloyd’s Register Marine & Offshore
Pioneering projects relating to the global fuel transition now hit the press most days and sometimes...
LPG: One of the Most Credible Alternative Marine Fuel Solutions – Nikos Xydas, Technical Director, WLPGA
It all goes back to 2012, when the World LPG Association (WLPGA) started looking in depth at the use...
Towards sustainable shipping with LPG by James Rockall, CEO & Managing Director, WLPGA
Shipping is the lifeblood of the global economy and an essential part of all major supply chains. Ac...
Statistical Review of Global LPG 2021 – How did the LPG industry perform in 2020? Is LPG COVID proof?
Look out for the WLPGA Statistical Review of Global LPG 2021, which will be sent out in pdf format...
Energising your LPG Week 2021 Experience – LPG Talks Live
In case you missed WLPGA’s LPG Talks live dedicated to LPG Week this week, you can see the full re...
Celebrating Prins 35-years: September 1986 – 12th September 2021
Thirty five years ago the company Prins was founded in Eindhoven in the Netherlands developing and s...
WLPGA Statement on COP26 – LPG: An immediate local contribution to the global challenge of climate change
WLPGA Statement on COP26 - LPG: An immediate local contribution to the global challenge of climate c...
The Voice of Mr Theshara Jayasinghe, Chairman, Litro Gas Lanka Limited
The Voice spoke with Mr Theshara Jayasinghe, Chairman, Litro Gas Lanka Limited to hear his thoughts...
WLPGA New Member – Emirates General Petroleum Corp. (Emarat)
The WLPGA is delighted to welcome a new member: Emirates General Petroleum Corp. (Emarat)
WLPGA New Member – Trade Data Monitor
The WLPGA is delighted to welcome a new member: Trade Data Monitor
Trade Data Monitor is th...
WLPGA New Member – EuroLPG
The WLPGA is delighted to welcome a new member: EuroLPG
EuroLPG is specialised in Integ...
WLPGA New Member – BGN Int DMCC
The WLPGA is delighted to welcome a new member: BGN Int DMCC
BGN today is one of the...
Cavagna jointly acquires the REPCo Group keeping a focus on the Energy Transition
Cavagna Group recently announced the acquisition of International Gas Process Design House, REPCo Sr...
Letter from Japan by Uezono-san, Koagas Nihon (WLPGA member) ‘My Olympics’ Challenge
Mr Mayumi Uezono, CEO of WLPGA member KOAGAS NIHON has sent us the latest in our occasional series ...
Bookings for the Liquid Gas UK Annual Conference, Thursday 11th November 2021 York, are now open!
Liquid Gas UK Annual Conference will take place Thursday 11th November 2021 in York
LPG Against Air Pollution
WLPGA warmly congratulates Dashvaanjil Gas on their third year since joining the association. Dashva...
WLPGA New Member – Lloyds Register
The WLPGA is delighted to welcome a new member: Lloyds Register
Lloyds Register started in 17...
7th June 2021 – #LPGday Sustainable Recovery Worldwide
7th June 2021 - #LPGday
Sustainable recovery worldwide
#LPGday marks its third edition this year...
Can LPG Play a Role in the Energy Transition? By Michael Welch, Industry Marketing Manager, Siemens Energy Industrial Gas Turbines Ltd
Electricity is vital for today’s society, driving economic growth and improving the quality of...
The Canadian Propane Association: Proud of the Past, Focused on the Future
The Canadian Propane Association (CPA) celebrates its 10th anniversary and 53 years of dedication pr...
LPG for Power Generation: Progress to Date & Emerging Trends by Dr Christoph Reimnitz, Chairman, WLPGA Working Group on LPG for Power Generation
“Significant number of projects have been completed over the past five years”
Five years...
WLPGA’s Role in Promoting LPG for Power Generation by Michael Kelly, Chief Advocacy Officer & Deputy Managing Director, WLPGA
The evidence has been growing for some time now that LPG will have an important role to play within...
The Global Opportunity of LPG for Power By James Rockall, CEO & Managing Director, WLPGA
Since the 1870s, the generation and distribution of electricity has powered global economic develo...
The Voice of Mr S. M. Vaidya, Chairman of Indian Oil Corporation & WLPGA First Vice-President
The Voice spoke with Mr S. M. Vaidya, Chairman of Indian Oil Corporation & WLPGA First Vice Pres...
Interview with Gadibolae Dihlabi, Managing Director, LPGSA
The WLPGA Voice recently had an online interview with the newly appointed Managing Director of the L...