WLGA shines a spotlight on long-standing WLGA member: ITO
The WLGA is pleased to shine a spotlight on long-standing WLGA member: ITO.
ITO (previously Itokoki) have had a very strong base in Japan and East Asia for over 70 years. To develop further into the global marketplace a solid, well-respected platform was needed to pass their message out through to the rest of the world. Having been members of the Japanese Gas Association for many years the WLGA was seen as the ideal solution and so it has turned out to be. Since ITO began their membership, they have attended all the WLGA (and LGE) exhibitions. They have entered the GTC twice and been awarded first place [Earthquake shut off and SNG Generator] and runner up [Ambient Temperature Vaporiser]. Without any doubt membership of the WLGA has been a great advantage and asset to their growth.
The company headquarters is based in Osaka, Japan. ITO have offices throughout the country and two factories, one in Osaka and one in Shiga province. They also have offices in South Korea, China, Vietnam and the United Kingdom with further factories in South Korea and China. ITO first started by manufacturing domestic regulators and then were the first to manufacture automatic changeovers in 1964. Since this date they have sold over 11.5 million pieces and were also the first to add a telemetry ready function to these in 1986. These will operate with most telemetry units currently available.
Working closely with the main gas companies in Japan ITO have been innovators of a new stye of product. Their Earthquake shut-off system leads the market in Japan and cuts off gas supplies in the event of earthquakes without the use of electricity. This product won the GTC Innovation award alongside the PA System. This system generates synthetic natural gas (SNG) using just propane and air, again using no outside energy source. It provides lifesaving emergency gas supplies following these disasters; it has now increasingly been used in many other applications to temporally replace natural gas supplies.
The ecoRizer, which came runner up in the London GTC vaporises propane using the energy of the atmospheric air as the heat source. This vaporiser drastically reduces both energy costs and CO2 emissions and is already in service in many hundreds of sites offering a green solution to an extremely important application.
ITO stands for Innovation, Technology and Origination. They have kept a company philosophy of sustaining a quality-first outlook, building up a strong corporate culture to allow the company to deal with every change in environment, and contributing to society.
It is their goal to use energy to create a beautiful, inhabitable Earth.
https://www.itokoki.co.jp/ https://www.ito-europe.com/