WLGA New Member – Clemson University
The WLGA is delighted to welcome a new observer member: Clemson University
Clemson University’s International Center for Automotive Research (CU-ICAR) is located in Greenville, South Carolina, USA, and houses Clemson’s Automotive Engineering department. Clemson University is a graduate engineering education and research facility that grants bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees in Automotive Engineering. In addition to their educational mission, our department conducts research related to all aspects of automotive engineering, including autonomous vehicles, human factors, materials and manufacturing, and powertrains – both conventional and electrified.
For conventional powertrains, Clemson has a group of researchers who are dedicated to improving the efficiency and emissions characteristics of internal combustion engines for all and future applications that require engines. To address global climate change in applications that require engines, the only solution is renewable fuels. Therefore, Clemson has been studying combustion of renewable fuels usage in engines for over six years. Clemson has significant previous expertise related to alcohols and will gain valuable experience with renewable DME through this new Department of Energy project.
"Clemson University was recently awarded a research contract from the Department of Energy to study renewable DME combustion in medium-duty off-road engines, which motivated Clemson’s involvement in the WLGA. We are looking forward to learning more about the past work that has been done related to renewable DME. Additionally, over the next three years of this Department of Energy project, we’re looking forward to contributing to the knowledge base related to renewable DME as new results and insights are generated." Mr Benjamin Lawler, Associate Professor, Clemson University