What we do
As governments start to enact ambitious legislation to accelerate the move to decarbonised economies, the Liquid Gas industry faces significant challenges, but also great opportunities. In this context, the role of WLGA as a strong voice of advocacy and clear communications for the industry is crucial. The Advocacy Steering Group (ASG) oversees the creation of coherent and consistent messaging as well as strong advocacy positions that are targeted to key stakeholders. The ASG works closely with national and regional association members to create the necessary communications tools to ensure that decision makers are informed, equipped and knowledgeable about the benefits of Liquid Gas. Advocacy has a dual a focus on the role of Liquid Gas in the decarbonisation debate as well as on the role that Liquid Gas can play in achieving the development targets set out in the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically increasing access to clean, modern energy and improving air quality. A key element of the advocacy outreach is to position Liquid Gas has having a critical contribution to a responsible energy future. Please click here to see the WLGA’s position paper on this issue.

Head of Group Public Affairs, SHV Energy, President Liquid Gas Europe & Advocacy Goal Chair
Safety & Business
One of the primary objectives of the WLGA is to promote Liquid Gas as a safe and efficient fuel, and enhance the image of the product and the industry. The industry also needs to be agile to change, monitor threats, and identify new opportunities when they emerge. With many opportunities in the IoT space the industry can become more efficient and smarter. SBI not only focuses on many of the core programmes that WLGA has delivered in the past – to ensure a safe and sustainable industry – but will also closely monitor standards and report on new developments and the industry in general. SBI also firmly addresses the issue of diversity, not only gender balance but also regarding the engagement of youth as a critical path to ensure a bright future for our industry.
In addition to the worrying climate change challenge, the COVID-19 crisis has brought many other challenges for the industry, with greater uncertainty in the short-term. In this uncertain environment, we must be more agile and open to change, but above all, have the leadership and the policies necessary to cross this whirlwind.
To ensure the compliance of Good Industry Practices, a Code of Conduct was established. It is a pre-requisite for any Liquid Gas Company to sign the Code of Conduct in order to become a member of the WLGA.

Blaise Edja
Downstream Manager West Africa, Oryx Energies & Safety and Business Improvement Goal Chair
Sustainable Growth
& Innovation
Innovation; promotion of new technology and new applications; industry leading reports and raising awareness of all of these elements are indispensable for business growth.
SGI has a focus on identifying and promoting innovation in technology; identifying and growing new business sectors such as marine and bioLPG which were a main focus this year; and continuing growth in more established markets with potential such as Autogas, cooking and power generation. For the Liquid Gas industry to flourish in an environment characterised by aggressive decarbonisation targets and policy aspirations for the rapid electrification of everything, the industry must have immediate solutions. Demonstrating the viability of renewable Liquid Gas as a long-term energy alternative is therefore a key priority.
The WLGA also regularly organises interactive workshops and courses between technical experts, members and key stakeholders to demonstrate the benefits of Liquid Gas and developed a single brand to raise awareness of the exceptional features of Liquid Gas among policymakers, industry and consumers.

CEO, DCC Energy, Ireland & Sustainable Growth and Innovation Goal Chair
Communications & Awareness
COM is the glue that holds everything together. The three goals cannot succeed without efficient and focused communication efforts to promote these activities. All the opportunities, from promoting renewables to safety, diversity, and specific sectors such as marine, power generation and Autogas, need targeted campaigns with specific messaging that need to be crafted carefully and disseminated correctly. In order to better deliver on WLGA’s objectives it is important to leverage and strengthen both internal and external communications. The three key objectives will be (1) external communication; (2) internal communication; and (3) LPG Week, bringing LPG Week into an overall communications goal. The desired perception of the industry, versus how it is perceived, is clear indication of the work to be done in external communications. LPG Week – Inspire Action – Inspire Action in this objective refers to the roll that that LPG Week must play as a communications tool for WLGA and for the LPG industry as a whole. In the energy transition LPG needs to be clearly positioned as a part of the solution. LPG Week, as WLGA’s flagship event and major communications tool, can be used to spread this message and to position the product as part of the solution to internal as well as external stakeholders.
Cristian Aguirre Grez
General Manager, Gasco Chile & Communications and Awareness Goal Chair